Report problems

What to do if you have problems with your service?

🤔 Is something going wrong?

Is your service not working properly, or are there problems you can't solve yourself? No problem. We are at your disposal. However, we recommend the following procedure so that you can use your products quickly and smoothly.

If only your server, an entire cluster or even the entire data center is affected, you can easily find out in our Fault Reports, where we provide exact information about current faults and failures. If one of your products is severely affected, we will inform you about the failure directly in your customer dashboard.

😅 A ticket saves time!

If on the other hand you do not see any bug reports in the system and yet you are still having problems with your services; you can always open a direct chat with us to report your problem where a member of our team will answer you as soon as possible, but if the chat is not for you as well as for better attention; we recommend that you simply create a Ticket in your web interface! Just fill in the form with all the necessary information that is relevant to the solution of your problem. This includes:

  • The topic to which your request refers

  • The service or subject your request is about

  • A detailed description of your problem (Since when has the problem existed? How often does it happen? What was changed on the server before?)

Simply click on the box at the top of the web interface

You will then be taken to a page where you can see all your previous tickets, as well as write new ones.

Last updated